What marketing tactic do you employ for your school? As a school owner, you do not have to rely on one marketing strategy for your school. In our previous article Should You Focus on Inbound Marketing Alone?, we made it clear to you that you can combine both the inbound and outbound marketing strategies together in order to increase enrollment in your school. Today’s article will focus on Word Of Mouth Marketing (WOMM); what it entails, how to implement it, and the benefits you gain from using it.
What is Word Of Mouth Marketing (WOMM)?
According to the author of Word of Mouth Marketing, Andy Sernovitz it is described as “Giving people a reason to talk about your stuff, and making it easier for that conversation to take place.” Which in this case can be termed as being the best at what you do. We all know that people talk naturally, and during their conversations, they tend to share information about a particular product or service they have enjoyed at one time or the other. As a school owner, you need to find your niche; be known for something unique. Do not just be like every other school, find something that makes you stand out and capitalize on that.
It might be that you are the only school that provides care for children with special need, provides a special extra-curricular activity, or even be a faith-based school. With this, you give people something to talk about. Assuming your school is one that provides care for children with special needs, a parent that is enjoying your service will be forced to introduce your school to a friend who is also in need of such service. There are two phases involved in WOMM;
WOMM being a marketing strategy will also have its own tools for successful implementation. The number one thing you need to pay attention to is from your own end as a school owner.
When you are sure that your services to parents and students are top-notch, be assured that they will talk about you. This is more like them referring you to other parents.
Why is WOMM important?
You might be asking yourself, why should I do this WOMM for my school? With WOMM you are able to do the following;
1. Educate potential parents.
2. Provide tools that make it easy to share information.
3. Give listening ears to potential parents.
4. Identify prospective parents and convert them into loyal parents.
Why you should do WOMM?
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