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Marketing Ideas for Schools in 2024: Driving Enrollment and Growth in Nigerian Institutions

In today’s competitive education landscape, Nigerian schools must adopt strategic marketing practices to attract students, enhance brand visibility, and grow their enrollments. The shift in marketing trends, fueled by digitalization and changing consumer behavior, demands that educational institutions stay innovative and agile. As we navigate through 2024, here are some relevant marketing ideas that can be effectively implemented by Nigerian schools to drive student enrollment and increase registration.

1.  Digital Marketing: Leveraging Social Media and Search Engine Marketing
Digital marketing remains one of the most powerful tools for engaging prospective students and their parents. Schools can harness the potential of platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google Ads to showcase their values, programs, and achievements.

  • Social Media Campaigns: Schools should use social media platforms to create engaging content that resonates with their audience. Instagram and TikTok can be used for sharing short clips that show day-to-day school life, facilities, or student testimonials. Consistency in posting quality content with clear call-to-actions (e.g., “Apply Now,” “Book a School Tour”) drives engagement and increases the likelihood of inquiries.
  • Targeted Google Ads: Search engine marketing (SEM) allows schools to appear in front of potential students when they search for schools online. By using targeted Google Ads, Nigerian schools can promote specific programs (e.g., “Best Private Secondary Schools in Lagos”) and ensure visibility to parents actively seeking educational options.

Case Study: Chrisland Schools, Nigeria
Chrisland Schools ran a targeted social media and Google Ads campaign in 2022 to boost enrollments, showcasing their facilities, alumni success stories, and extracurricular activities. Within six months, the campaign generated a significant rise in website traffic and a 20% increase in enrollment inquiries.

Image Credit: Altois


2.  School Website Optimization and SEO
A school’s website acts as its digital front door. It must be professionally designed, informative, and easy to navigate. In 2024, optimizing a website for search engines and ensuring it provides a seamless user experience (UX) are critical for attracting and retaining the attention of prospective students and their parents.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Schools should prioritize ranking high on search engines by using SEO techniques such as keyword research (e.g., “top schools in Abuja”), mobile optimization, and quality content creation. Blogs, articles, and student testimonials should be regularly published on the website to attract organic traffic.
  • Lead Generation Features: Schools should integrate contact forms, chatbots, and downloadable resources (like brochures) to capture visitor information. Offering virtual school tours through the website is another effective way to convert website traffic into actual student enrollments.

Case Study: Corona Schools, Lagos
Corona Schools revamped their website in 2021, improving SEO strategies and adding lead generation features. Their search engine ranking improved, and the virtual school tour feature attracted over 1,000 prospective parents within the first quarter of 2022, resulting in a 15% increase in enrollments.


READ MORE: Is Your Website Driving Enrollment? What to Do?


3.  Email Marketing and Personalized Outreach
Email marketing continues to be a powerful tool in 2024 for nurturing relationships with prospective parents. It offers schools a direct line of communication to provide updates, send reminders, and share success stories.

  • Automated Email Campaigns: Schools can set up automated email sequences to follow up with parents who have expressed interest. For instance, after a parent fills out a contact form, they can receive a series of emails introducing the school, detailing the benefits of its curriculum, and encouraging them to visit the campus or attend an open day.
  • Personalized Content: Personalization goes a long way in building trust. Schools should segment their email lists based on factors like the child’s grade level, location, and academic interests. Sending tailored content to these groups ensures the message is relevant and more likely to convert into registration.

Case Study: Grange School, Ikeja
Grange School successfully implemented an email marketing campaign targeting parents who visited their website. By sending personalized email reminders about registration deadlines, event invitations, and updates on school programs, they achieved a 30% increase in open rates and a 12% rise in enrollment for the academic year 2023/2024.

4.  Influencer Marketing and Parent Advocacy
In 2024, the rise of influencers has extended into the education sector. Schools can collaborate with micro-influencers and educational consultants who have credibility among Nigerian parents.

  • Parent Ambassadors: Encouraging satisfied parents to share their experiences on social media or participate in school-hosted webinars can help promote the school authentically. Word of mouth still remains powerful, especially when it comes from trusted figures in a parent’s network.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Schools can collaborate with educational influencers or parenting bloggers to reach a wider audience. These influencers can review the school’s programs, talk about their benefits, and encourage parents to consider the school for their children.

Case Study: Loyola Jesuit College, Abuja
Loyola Jesuit partnered with local educational consultants and parent ambassadors to promote the school’s unique selling points via Instagram and Facebook. This influencer-driven strategy increased the school’s online visibility and helped the school achieve an impressive 95% occupancy rate for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Image Credit: Bridge Nigeria


5.  School Open Days and Virtual Events
Hosting open days is a traditional marketing approach that still proves effective, but in 2024, schools can enhance this by offering hybrid options—combining physical events with virtual sessions.

  • Hybrid Open Days: While in-person visits help parents and students physically explore the facilities and interact with teachers, virtual open days can cater to those who are unable to attend physically. These events should offer live-streamed tours, Q&A sessions, and testimonials from current students and parents.
  • Interactive Webinars and Workshops: Schools can organize subject-specific webinars or workshops to showcase their academic strengths and extracurricular offerings. These events help build engagement and trust with prospective families.

Case Study: Greensprings School, Lagos
Greensprings School organized a series of hybrid open days in 2022, allowing parents to either visit the school physically or attend online. This flexibility attracted a broader audience and contributed to a 10% increase in admissions during the 2022/2023 school year.


6.  Alumni Relations and Networking
Nurturing strong relationships with alumni can play a significant role in school marketing. Successful alumni serve as powerful endorsements, and their stories can be used to inspire and attract new students.

  • Alumni Testimonials: Featuring notable alumni in marketing campaigns can create aspirational content that appeals to both parents and students. These testimonials can be shared on social media, in newsletters, and on the school’s website.
  • Alumni Involvement: Schools can engage alumni in career talks, mentorship programs, and open day events. Their involvement adds credibility to the school’s claims of success and can significantly impact decision-making for prospective families.

Case Study: The American International School of Lagos (AISL)
AISL regularly features alumni success stories in their marketing campaigns and social media platforms. Their “Where Are They Now?” series, which highlights the achievements of former students, has been instrumental in establishing the school as a leader in international education in Nigeria, helping to boost both their reputation
and admissions.


READ MORE: How Video Content Creation Can Improve Marketing for Nigerian Schools


7.  Video Marketing and Virtual Tours
Video marketing has become a crucial part of marketing strategies in 2024, allowing schools to connect with parents and students in a more immersive and engaging way.

  • School Overview Videos: High-quality videos that showcase the school’s culture, facilities, academic achievements, and extracurricular activities can be a powerful tool for attracting prospective students. These videos should be featured on the school’s website, YouTube, and social media channels.
  • Virtual Tours: Many schools have adopted virtual tours, allowing parents to explore the campus remotely. With interactive tools and 360-degree views, prospective families can get a comprehensive feel of the school’s environment without physically visiting.

Case Study: Lekki British School, Lagos
In 2021, Lekki British School launched a series of promotional videos and virtual tours to showcase their state-of-the-art facilities. The campaign led to a 25% increase in website traffic and inquiries, translating into a 15% rise in student registrations.

As the education sector continues to evolve in 2024, Nigerian schools must embrace modern marketing techniques to remain competitive. By adopting digital marketing strategies, optimizing their websites, leveraging influencer marketing, and using engaging video content, schools can boost their visibility, attract prospective families, and ultimately increase enrollment. Schools that actively innovate and use data-driven marketing approaches will stay ahead of the curve, ensuring sustainable growth and success.
The key is not just to market but to do so strategically, reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time.

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Falako Iyanuoluwa

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