A writer once said that ‘all we need to succeed in this life is ignorance and some level of confidence.’…
Kids are champions when it comes to throwing tantrums. Sometimes, it can be frustrating for you as a parent especially…
Teenagers want to be as free as a bird. They want to be independent, they want to make their own…
No one is above mistakes — even parents are not exempted. Many parents have raised grown-up children with one regret…
Parenting is an important, rewarding, and yet challenging job for parents. It is one of the main factors that determine…
Talking to our kids about sex is not an easy task. We live in a world where everything around us…
Dear school owners, it is resumption time! Thanks to God for keeping us throughout last year and the holiday. Now…
Basic literacy and grammar skills are essential for any knowledge. In the case of English, these skills are necessary for…
2020 was an unusual and challenging year for everyone, especially those in the education sector. It even became difficult to…
Image Credit: Assignment Point The unemployment rate in Nigeria is rising every year thereby increasing the rate of poverty in…
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