Parent Forum

Creating Learning Opportunities at Home

Are you aware that learning is not restricted to only the four walls of the classroom? Do you also know…

2 years ago

Tantrums in the Classroom: The Way Forward?

Being a teacher is definitely rewarding. There’s nothing more enjoyable than watching your students flourish, develop, and grow before your…

2 years ago

How to Prevent Cyberbullying as Teachers

It is no longer a strange sight to see teenagers with a phone in their hands. They use their smartphones…

2 years ago

Family’s Role in a Child’s Development

The early childhood community recognizes the first few years of a child's life as the most formative years. The child's…

2 years ago

Importance of Skill Development in Education

It is well said by Robert Greene, “The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in…

2 years ago

Applicable Ways to Becoming an Outstanding Student in School

Sometimes, you need extra effort to become an outstanding student in school. If you are a student of any school…

2 years ago

Importance of Discipline In Student’s Life

Discipline is one of the most important things in a student’s life. It is crucial to follow discipline in school.…

2 years ago

Benefits of Using Social Media As a Platform For Learning

Social media and technology are essential parts of our daily life. Blending these into the classroom should be easier than…

2 years ago

7 Best Ways to Spend Quality Time with Your Family

There are countless reasons for you not to spend quality time with your family. You are always busy with work;…

2 years ago

What Type of Parent are You? – Helicopter Parent

I feel like there should be a school that is dedicated to teaching new parents styles they can employ in…

2 years ago

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