Increase your school enrollments through inbound marketing.
If you can get a prospective parent to visit your school, their likelihood of applying skyrockets as high as 80% (according to research). But you have to make them WANT…
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Tips to grow your school
If you can get a prospective parent to visit your school, their likelihood of applying skyrockets as high as 80% (according to research). But you have to make them WANT…
September 2018 is just around the corner. This is probably the busiest period for your admission office this year. And If you have a dedicated line for your prospective parents’…
Imagine this scenario… You have nailed it, you put in your best – showed them some of your state-of-the-art facilities and it appeared they were very impressed. Two weeks later,…
When you speak in a language that is familiar to your prospects, you are instantly compensated with their attentions. Just before you continue: This article is a continuation of last…
All successful marketing starts with buyer personas – Author Anonymous Yeah, you’ve got that smashing billboard yelling to motorists and pedestrians about great things about your school and telling them…
The Nigerian private school sector is highly saturated and as such, it is becoming increasingly difficult for school owners to grow student enrollment consistently. Parent, guardians and decision makers are…
Is the ability to speak effectively important for teachers? The answer is a resounding yes. Professional educators keep themselves continuously on an upward learning curve. They know that in addition to…
Grade-conscious parents tend to question the rationale for sporting activities in schools; Little do they know that the benefit of sports in school isn’t merely physical. Sports has been identified to…