What to look out for when choosing a Primary School for your child
Finding the right school is not an easy task, it can be time and energy draining but totally worth it. As always we are here to help you in your…
Your child can learn while having fun. Try these tips this holiday
Most parents believe that the school provides all a child needs.This belief leaves many aspects of the child’s life unattended to and in the course of this certain needs are…
Foreign Languages; a prerequisite in Schools.
Most persons who studied in a Nigerian School a decade back have no foreign language skills, when asked they usually reply “I studied French in school but I cannot…
Top Creches in Ajah
Over the months we at schoolscompasss have had the advantage of one-on-one chats with working new mothers. Overtime we found that 96.5% of them attributed success in careers to a…
Committed, Personal and Visionary Leadership In their best-selling book, The Leadership Challenge, James Kouzes and Barry Posner noted that exemplary leaders model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the…