Even though students attend schools so they can get degrees in a certain career path, there are numerous graduates who are unemployed in the country today. Two of the factors that contribute to this unemployment include, change in the country’s economy and a shift in the kind of jobs required to support the economy.
So as to get rid of unemployment among youth, the private sector and organizations are trying to provide solutions. One of the many ways is by introducing programs that support those that are in search of jobs. These programs help equip graduates with skills that they need for jobs now and in the future.
The government is doing its bid also by setting up action plans and all. But with the lack of proper funding for the universities and incessant strikes, it seems like more jobless graduates will be out on the street. But as a teacher and school administrator, how can you do your part in ensuring that your students are ready for the unknown? Discussed below are skills (hard & soft) that young ones need in order to meet their full potential.

1. Digital Literacy
There is no question that technology is an important part of society today. From business to personal communication, it is essential for people to have skills that help them navigate technology to be successful. Some of these skills come from regular use of technology but other skills need to be taught to students so they are prepared for the future workplace.
The COVID-19 lockdown also opened the eyes of many to remote jobs that require digital skills – which means more jobs both locally and internationally. Digital knowledge prepares them for responsibilities in the workforce.
2. Entrepreneurship
There is an increasing trend toward small businesses in today’s society. The Internet makes it easy for people to set up their own businesses and reach large customers. Entrepreneurship requires innovation, a strong knowledge of the industry or market, and adaptability in business. These are all skills for future jobs that are useful in any career path.
For a successful career, it is important for students to have a better understanding of what an entrepreneur is and the ability to use the skills in setting up a career for themselves.

3. Emotional Intelligence
Forget what people used to say, that a successful business person should be fierce and cold without emotions. Emotions are what separate us from wild animals. Instead of getting rid of your emotions, you should learn to confront and control them because they will be needed in a work setting.
Also, people must be able to communicate with others and foster interpersonal relationships. For this reason, it is important for students to have emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence equips them with the knowledge and skills to manage emotions — theirs and others’ — to communicate in the workplace successfully.
4. Empathy
Empathy refers to the ability of someone to understand and relate to the feelings of someone else. It may not seem like this is something people need in business, but empathy is important for interpersonal relationships and communication.
In business, empathy helps create and maintain relationships, such as the relationship between a company and its customers. When employees are empathetic to customers’ perspectives, they can meet customers’ needs more effectively. In this way, empathy is not just beneficial in personal relationships but in business relationships, as well.
READ MORE: Why are Emerging Skills Important for Secondary School Students?
5. Curiosity

Technology these days is fast advancing. Tools and strategies used in business are frequently changing or being updated. Students willing to survive and progress in a work environment or business must have a sense of curiosity and a love of learning. Most careers require ongoing learning so that people can keep up with technological advances.
If a student does not like learning and lacks curiosity, they will get stuck in a certain industry while others forge ahead. However, if a student is curious and loves learning, that student will be ready to adapt to advancements and changes in the business.
6. Knowledge about Oneself
While there are lots of skills needed for jobs in the future that relate to business, it is also important for students to have knowledge about themselves. Many organizations are developing teams that draw from multiple departments to complete projects. By drawing from different departments, the team can bring together multiple skill sets and talents so that everyone works cooperatively together.
In order to contribute to these teams, students need to have self-knowledge. Specifically, they should understand their own strengths and weaknesses so they know how they can contribute to teams and when they might need extra help getting something done.

7. Cognitive Flexibility
Change is constant, and even when things are planned out they still change – at that moment adaptation is needed. Being able to adapt to change when the situation arises means that people can continue to be successful in their careers.
Adaptability and cognitive flexibility are important skills needed in the future so that students are able to adjust the way they work when obstacles arise or business needs shift unexpectedly. Not only do these skills come in handy when dealing with unexpected circumstances but they show employers that individuals are ready for whatever may come up in their job responsibilities.