Rating Summary by 4 parent(s)
Main Reviews (by 4 parents)

Mrs Kelly Michael
Crossway Montessori school isn’t just a school, It’s a community. They not only teach pupils, they build them up with confidence and also help them to be independent decision makers. My 1 year 9 months old does chores around the house because of the extra curricular activities she does in school. Chores like picking stuffs around the house and putting them in the right place, arranging her toys, wearing her shoes and a lot more. She can sing her rhymes and stands out among her peers. At cross way school, there is no use of force or foul language. Children are taught in love, oneness and unity. No children is a dullard. And as a parent, I learnt ‘I can do anything I set my heart to and I should never say I can’t’. I saw those writings on the wall in the school. I don’t think I’ve said enough of how I feel about my child’s school. I brag a lot to my friends and my WhatsApp status. Lol. I’d keep talking about ‘our’ school because I’m a proud parent and a stakeholder. *winks*

Crossway school the best around command/iyana ipaja Axis. I was about changing my daughter school at 10months. Then I came across the school on Instagram. Loved the surroundings and the activities I saw on social media. We visited and we were already glued. My baby is just a year old. She arranges her toys, tries to wear her soaks or shoe herself. And can point to what she wants.
Thank you to the whole team.

Crossway Montessori School is definitely beyond my 5 star ratings. Whenever my 2 years old daughter is at school, i get a relaxed feeling knowing her school feels like home for her. She gets the LOVE, CARE, ATTENTION, FUN, KNOWLEDGE at maximum level. The team connects so well with the pupils thereby making learning so easy and fun. They hold all (pupils and parents) with great value. Parents were gifted on Mother's day. Just wow!
Thinking of the best school around Ipaja axis? Think CROSSWAY MONTESSORI SCHOOL

At Crossway Montessori School, teachers are passionate about seeing their students succeed. They are so great about sharing moments of pride they see within your child – their good behaviors and achievements; and they know the importance of getting the parents involved should an issue arise, and do it in a very respectful, approachable manner. I'm glad my kids are part of this great school.
Great team.....Great school!