Rating Summary by 16 parent(s)
Main Reviews (by 18 parents)

Ajibabi Ajayi
I have been associated with Standard Bearers School for over a decade. What I find most impressive is the sability of Mrs Oni and her team to deliver a high standard of education each year while ensuring that the children embrace their various gifts and talents.
Walking through the school you will meet polite and highly confident children who make you feel welcome.
The atmosphere within the school is calm and warm. SBS parents have to admit that while it is not a perfect in every regard\ since no school really is. SBS offers parents a holistic all round education which allows the children to transition into top schools globally.

My son, just commenced his first term of Grade school a couple of months ago and he has adjusted quite well.
He loves school and all the new and wonderful activites that he is involved in; including after school activities like swimming, chess, taekwando, and instrument training.
The school management has be very receptive and supportive till date. They have an amazing open door policy and are always happy to a address my inquiries etc.
I like the class size as it affords my child balanced interactions with is peers and his teachers.; he doesn't feel overwhelmed or overlooked in class.
In the few short months he has been here, I have seen his confidence grow and his appetite for knowledge expand.

For me it is important that the school I choose for my kids stand by the same values and principles I uphold. Standard Bearers School is a godly school that upholds godly principles and so you won’t find SBS teaching your kids things which some schools in an attempt to be liberal and open minded and ‘contemporary’ now expose kids to.
Track record also shows that the kids (and it is all the kids) get to do exceptionally well in external exams with scholarships and multiple placements in the best secondary schools home and abroad. The non academic aspects of learning is also emphasized as it is not enough to be academically sound and be lacking in other very important social and soft skills needed to thrive in the world. SBS produces confident and well rounded kids who are academically at their A-game.

Standard Bearers is a very good school. My kids enjoy going to school. We particularly love the small class size and attention given to each child. The school does its best to work with the individual child. The staff and management are always available to help you work through challenges your child may have. I also like that the school balances academics with social and spiritual skills. I easily recommend Standard Bearers School.

Quite impressed with the academic performance of grade 6 students and this has been consistent over time
I am also impressed with passion of the proprietor in ensuring the teachers are disciplined to impact the students positively.
Quite satisfied with the involvement of kids in other extra curricular activities.
Finally the icing in the cake is the leadership journey using leadership models right from childhood..definitely making an impact from the word go.

All 3 of our children have been through SBS and have had a fantastic elementary school experience. Not only have they all excelled in their academics while at SBS, the two that have gone on to secondary school are shooting out the lights in their new school. Our youngest child who started SBS at the tender age of 18 months, and will be graduating from SBS this year has amazed his teachers, his peers and we his parents in his academics, his ardent love for sports and his amazing talent for playing musical instruments. This year, he took over 10 common entrance exams and passed them all. This was the case for most, if not all of the children in this year’s 2017/2018 graduating class! We could not be any prouder. SBS has brought out the best in each of our children and established in them, the confidence to be able to stand head and shoulders above any other child in the world. That’s what they do. They participate in global academic competitions, engage in inter-school sports competitions, put on first-rate plays, talent shows and musical recitals, and are always looking for new and innovative ways to stimulate children’s thinking. They are not perfect, but their philosophy on raising successful, confident and competent young leaders has worked for me 3/3, so I am a very satisfied customer and would strongly recommend them to other parents looking to give their children a strong, well-round educational experience.

Standard Bearers is a family school in every sense of it,the teachers do not just instruct they are a part of the world they aim to create for the kids,the Christian values are well evident from the well rounded and confident world changers they are raising!My son has made so much progress in less than a month and I was so impressed at how much work they have put in.The mix of parents the school has are a set of devoted and driven parents who are interested in partnering to raise purpose filled kids.If I had to do this all again I sure will????

Our experience at SBS has been great.
On our son’s third day at school, he said “mummy I love Standard Bearers School!” and we were confident that we had made the right choice for our son.
The teachers and staff are professional and supportive and truly care for each child’s welfare.
The school’s proprietress is an amazing woman, who loves what she does. She is very hands-on, engaged and accessible. She is there on a daily basis and operates an open-door policy.
SBS is a well balanced environment for our son, it is safe and has a rich academic culture which is built on a Godly foundation.
Our son has improved tremendously in his academic and social skills.
We highly recommended SBS.

We heard about SBS from a parent whose daughter attends the school. The first day we went to the school, we loved the ambience and my kids didn't want to leave. I love the attention the teachers give to each child and their style of teaching. The environment is very neat and condusive for learning. I also love the way the teachers relate with the parents interms of feedback about their kid's academic performance..