This period prospective parents would be visiting your school, and trust me little things matter so don’t overlook any stone. The environment is the first thing a prospective parent comes in contact with and as a result this impression creates the background for all future interactions.

Your school’s atmosphere should scream “Welcome!” to parents, children and visitors.
First Impressions Matter
The first connection to your school they come in contact with can change everything. It could be your security team, the front gate or even your school bus. Ensure school grounds are neat and inviting.
Put up Welcome signs around the walkway of new parents, make sure they have no qualms with directions use your welcome signs to serve the dual purpose of direction signs. Keep them warm, welcomed and cherry.
The reverse side of those signs can also be printed with “Good-bye,” “Thanks for coming,” or “See you soon” and expressions that translate to mean so.
Keep in Mind
Keep in mind that admission officers and secretaries(or whoever the visitors meet) are key players in welcoming visitors and keeping them. Train them and make sure they exhibit the understanding and drive they need to warmly welcome prospective parents this holiday.
Go the Extra Mile for New Parents
Now you’ve got them! They love your school and their child is admitted. Never stop marketing your school.
Politely request their details(email address, twitter and instagram handle, google+) so you can follow up subsequently and keep them updated on happenings in the school.
You can also request they follow the school’s page on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social media platform to stay connected.
Enthusiasm Outside School Grounds
The enthusiasm shouldn’t stop during the holiday continue even outside school grounds.

You and some teachers can welcome parents and pupils back to school. Greet, Open car doors for them and make meaningful short conversation. Use your actions to tell them you care.