Rating Summary by 10 parent(s)
Main Reviews (by 10 parents)

Mr Oluwole OSEWA
Kit and Kin schools have excellent facilities for modern day teaching skills.
They are highly recommended.
Extra curriculum activities are commendable especially for primary school pupils.
Warm environment for easy learning by kids.
It's a good choice at Kit and Kin.

KKNPS is a good private school in Ikorodu where they teach education with good character. Some of their unique selling points are 1) Champions in spelling bee competitions 2) Character Count Initiative Programmes 3) Special style of writing using Nelson Thornes 4) Ability to engage opponents in public debate 5) Versatile Tech kids learning in a good and well-equipped ICT Lab. Etc.

Kith and Kin Nursery and Primary School is the best in Ikorodu and one of the best in Lagos State.
It's a school with a difference where they work on the uniqueness of each child to excel in life. Extra curricular activities are encouraged, cool playground and also cool learning environment for kids to learn and enjoy. Up Kith and Kin!

Kith and Kin Nursery and Primary School is the best in Ikorodu and one of the best in Lagos State.
It's a school with a difference where they work on the uniqueness of each child to excel in life. Extra curricular activities are encouraged, cool playground and also cool learning environment for kids to learn and enjoy. Up Kith and Kin!