• Clemmy High School
  • Apex of Excellence
  • Endorsed by: 1 Parents
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Rating Summary by 15 parent(s)

Main Reviews (by 15 parents)

Quality of service is excellent
Quality of service is excellent
The school is very beautiful active teacher I will always recognize the school to people. Thank you CHS
Clemmy High School is a good school with excellent and hardworking teachers.
CHS acedamic records are top notch, legendary and consistent since inception. Proofs abounds as her many students gain admission into premier universities around the globe on annual basis.
A foremost educational institution, inculcating values that will adequately equip students to excel by developing the total person of every student.
CHS is a wonderful school with dedicated and diligent Staff. Thank you CHS
Clemmy High School has created a healthy learning environment where students develop their intellectual quotients, moral values and purity being preserved. I have been there and I found it true.
Clemmy School is a school for children you love and wants better future for. Clemmy School builds total child. High academic standard, superb co-curricular activities, quality service, committed teaching and non-teaching staff e. t. c. I love the school.
CHS the future leader builder's
Clemmy is up to standard
Clemmy school is the best
Clemmy School is Well organized .
Well organized
Clemmy High School is home away from home. High academic excellence, moral discipline and building quality leadership mindset



Extra Cur. Activities:

Quality of Service:

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